Posted : 3 months ago by Samuel Taylor

July CPD from the Apprenticeship Workforce Development (AWD) programme

July CPD from the Apprenticeship Workforce Development (AWD) programme

The Apprenticeship Workforce Development (AWD) programme provides training to support providers, employers and apprenticeship delivery staff to gain the knowledge they need to deliver a high-quality end-to-end apprenticeship experience to apprentices.

Funded by the Department for Education (DfE), the AWD programme is being delivered by the Education and Training Foundation in partnership with the Association of Colleges (AoC), Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP),Strategic Development Network (SDN) and ourselves, University Vocational Awards Council (UVAC).

It is FREE to register and complete all the courses. 

July’s courses include:


Working successfully with employers

(Managers, Delivery & Support Staff)

9 July 2024

For delegates who feel this component of their apprenticeship delivery is strong, but would like to explore effective practice to develop it further. This session will build on your current practice and provide longer term areas for continuous improvement. Reflect on existing apprenticeship practice when working with employers to identify outcomes-linked strengths and areas for improvement.

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Rise to the challenge: how to motivate apprentices

(Delivery Staff)

12 July 2024

This CPD session is designed for delegates who recognise their need to develop and improve this component of their apprenticeship delivery. The session will help you review your current practice, and identify areas where immediate developments and improvements can be made. Develop practical strategies for motivating apprentices when challenges arise.

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Managing apprenticeship withdrawals


15 July 2024

For delegates who recognise their need to develop and improve this component of their apprenticeship delivery. Explore proven strategies to improve the oversight of withdrawal information to drive change, as well as improve consistency and performance outcomes.

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Preparing Apprentices for End-point Assessment

(Delivery Staff)

16 July 2024

Designed for delegates who recognise their need to develop and improve this component of their apprenticeship delivery. Identify and address issues in end-point assessment preparation, contributing to the retention and success of apprentices.

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Planning Effective Curriculum Design

(Managers & Delivery staff)

17 July 2024

This CPD session is designed for delegates who recognise their need to develop and improve this component of their apprenticeship delivery. In this course, you will explore key areas for apprenticeship validation, curriculum design and quality monitoring.

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Getting off to a good start: delivering effective onboarding

(Delivery Staff)

30 July 2024

Designed for delegates who feel this component of their apprenticeship delivery is strong, but would like to explore effective practice to develop it further. Get your apprentices and employers off to a positive start with an effective onboarding process. This course is aimed at helping you to set them up for success from day one.

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