Posted : 6 years8 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

INVITATION: UUK Commissioned Survey – Post-18 Education Review

INVITATION: UUK Commissioned Survey – Post-18 Education Review

The survey feeds into a wider research project into partnerships between HEIs, tertiary education providers and employers that has been commissioned as part of Universities UK’s contribution to the upcoming post-18 education review by the DfE. UUK are interested in collaborations you might have with both employers and tertiary education providers to deliver higher level skills.

By tertiary education providers it means further education colleges and other providers of adult training, education and skills development (including specialist or private providers).
UUK are interested in collaborations that exist to meet an identified higher level skills needs. This includes providing higher and degree apprenticeships and creating progression pathways from level 3 through to level 6 qualifications.
There is the option to complete the survey on behalf of your institution as a whole, or just for a particular faculty, school or department. Colleagues at your institution can also log in and complete this survey if there are multiple people who can answer the questions.
If you have any questions about the research, please email: [email protected] if you experience any technical difficulties with the survey, please contact: [email protected] or telephone 0116 229 3300.