Posted : 4 months ago by Samuel Taylor

Invitation to join the next : HTQ Knowledge Network Online Meeting

Invitation to join the next : HTQ Knowledge Network Online Meeting

Registration is now open for the next HTQ Knowledge Network Online Meeting – Exploring the potential of digital credentials with Yaz el HakimYaz el Hakim on Thursday 6 June 2024, 11am-12pm.


In this session, Yaz will explore the potential of Digital Credentials (for learners and employers) in education and workforce development. In today’s dynamic job market, paper certificates and CVs are not only impractical (difficult to share electronically) but are often unable to showcase the dynamic development of skills and competencies. They are also known to be open to fraud, leading to distrust in a system that needs trust built in at its very foundation. In contrast, Digital Credentials are data-rich objects that are tamper-proof from issuance and have the power to revolutionize how we validate learning experiences. They can house granular data, provide a comprehensive and dynamic overview of an individual’s capabilities, and have the potential to triangulate a range of evidence to accurately and predictably identify if an individual has the skills and competencies needed by an employer.


Yaz El Hakim co-founded VerifyEd in 2019 to combine two passions; education and blockchain. VerifyEd is a new platform using blockchain to issue immutable, secure digital degree certificates and micro-credentials. Prior to this, Yaz spent six years working internationally with other educational technology companies including Canvas, Kortext and Aula. He has worked in and with Higher Education for over 20 years, starting as an hourly paid lecturer in Sport Psychology, and later holding the role of Director of Learning and Teaching and Student Engagement at the University of Winchester, UK, where he co-led the national project – TESTA


To attend, please contact Liz Cleaver on [email protected] who will add you to the event Teams invitation list.


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