UVAC is working with Middlesex University to define how the concept of Higher Apprenticeship can be made operational through HE/FE Partnerships and to demonstrate, champion and promote its potential.
The objectives of the project are:
Networking event – Monday 23rd May 2011, Middlesex University Trent Park Campus, commencing at 13.00 with lunch
The aim of this event is for providers and partners to share ideas on the development of Higher Apprenticeship, in line with the objectives of the project (above) and evidence collected. Please notify Caroline McKevitt by email if you wish to attend this event. A networking lunch will be provided from 13.00 and the event will commence at 13.30. Please let us know if you have any access or dietary requirements. The estimated duration of the event is two hours.
Call for Examples
As part of this project, we are calling for evidence and examples of the current and potential role of HEIs, FECs, LLNs and other partners in the development and delivery of Higher Apprenticeships.
We are seeking examples which demonstrate the following four features of Higher Apprenticeship.
If you wish to make a submission to this call for examples, please send it by email to Caroline McKevitt by 13th May 2011.
4 days ago, Samuel Taylor
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