Posted : 4 years10 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

IfATE Consultation on the Funding Band Recommendation Process: UVAC Outline Response

IfATE Consultation on the Funding Band Recommendation Process: UVAC Outline Response

This consultation is of critical importance to HEIs engaged in the delivery of Apprenticeship. The three methodologies/approaches outlined are likely to make most Higher and Degree Apprenticeships financially unviable to deliver. UVAC has worked with 5 HEIs on modelling proposals and the methodologies proposed could see reductions in funding bands of between 50% – 75%.  

UVAC is questioning the timing of the consultation, rigour of the research and resulting models.  None of the three models/approaches is appropriate – which is not great for a tick box consultation of the type being run by the IfATE. We have already made the point that now is not the time for a consultation, particularly a consultation of such significance.  

We have significant concerns with the research upon which the analysis and methodologies are based.  By any analysis the sample is not sufficiently large and FE and Independent Training Provider data cannot simply be extrapolated to HEIs – regardless of whether HEIs make up just 6% of the provider base.  Median rather than mean rates are used which means higher costs relating to HEIs are not included in calculations. 

We have already made the point to IfATE that applying the proposed methodologies to Higher and Degree Apprenticeships will make them financially unviable.  Many key Apprenticeships (including for key public sector occupations) would become undeliverable.  Colleagues may want to ask the employers they work with to make their views known.

We welcome any comments to [email protected] our draft response below by 14th May and would encourage HEIs to make their own responses to meet the IfATE’s deadline of 18th May.

UVAC has asked the IfATE to withdraw its proposals. Thereafter, we have offered to work with IfATE, employers/PSRBs, key Government Departments to undertake a statistically robust research exercise on the actual costs of Degree Apprenticeships and to support the IfATE to test and conduct pilot studies involving robust, credible and appropriate new proposals.