Posted : 9 years8 months ago by adriananderson

HEI Apprenticeship Case Studies

HEI Apprenticeship Case Studies

As part of UVAC’s policy and communications work on Higher Apprenticeship and Degree Apprenticeship for HEFCE and other partners, we are seeking to develop case studies that showcase the HEI and HE in FE role in this area.  If UVAC members have any existing case studies we would be very interested in exploring how we can promote them.  Alternatively, we are very interested in working with members to develop new case studies and related material.

For Apprenticeship standards this is obviously very early days.  Accordingly, in this area we are looking at how HEIs are positioning themselves to work with employers, professional bodies, LEPs etc. to respond to the Apprenticeship agenda based on their existing expertise and track record.  This could help position and promote an HEI’s Apprenticeship offer regionally and nationally.

To get involved in either initiative contact Adrian Anderson.