Posted : 8 years7 months ago by
mandy crawford-lee
HEFCE Commissions UVAC
HEFCE Commissions UVAC
HEFCE have confirmed UVAC’s Degree Apprenticeship Development Fund (Strand B) funding for 2016/17.
Our work will focus on providing advice and guidance to HE providers, HEFCE and BIS on:
·The introduction of the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers
·The introduction of the Apprenticeship Levy
·SFA procurement and ‘allocation’ systems for non-levy Payers
·SFA performance management processes
·The Digital Apprenticeship Service (DAS)
·Management Information and the Individual Learner Record (ILR)
·Contracting requirements for Degree Apprenticeship delivery
·Quality and quality measures for apprenticeship for Degree Apprenticeship delivery
·Contract and programme management for Degree Apprenticeship delivery
·Governance and review.
We will also be analysing for HEFCE the technical and operational issues HE providers face and ‘barriers’ and ‘enablers’ to engagement in Degree Apprenticeship.
To support the development of our work in this area we have asked Rebecca Rhodes formerly of SFA to join us as a Senior Associate.