Date: Wednesday 4th February 2015
Time: 10.30am – 3.30pm
Venue: Room 2.03 – Eric Wood Building, De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH
Facilitators: Professor Graham Curtis, Student Assessment and Classification Working Group, Higher Education Academy and Dr Gavin Brown, Senior Lecturer in Biochemistry and Deputy Dean, Lancaster University.
Seminar overview:
Title: Grade Point Averages: The Current Context and Making the Grade: Moving to a GPA-based system in a UK university.
Grade Point Averages: The use of a grade point average for use in the overall assessment of students has been suggested as an appropriate alternative to the use of an honours degree classification system.
The presentation will focus on the main concerns relating to the honours degree classifications system and the extent to which a grade point average approach would be more appropriate. Examples of grade point average approaches nationally and internationally will be introduced together with a summary of work and modelling undertaken by a group of HEIs in the UK. The Higher Education Academy is currently leading a major project (2013-2015) in investigating the suitability of a common grade point average approach across the sector. The presentation will outline the nature and current status of this project, which includes a pilot study involving twenty-one institutions.
The session will be relevant to academics, university managers and administrators with an interest in the most appropriate ways to represent the overall summative achievement of students.
Grade Point Averages: The Current Context
Making the Grade: In 2007 Lancaster University started a process of reviewing its undergraduate assessment regulations. The review considered many issues, including promoting the use of the full range of marks, what to do about failed modules, how the exam board process could operate better and how mitigating circumstances should be considered and dealt with. After three years of extensive discussion around the University a new set of regulations were approved in 2010. At their heart was a new grading (GPA) scheme linked to clear and objective marking criteria. This session will describe Lancaster’s system, the drivers for change and the impact the new regulations have had.
Further details, a programme and a booking form can be found at:
If you wish to speak to someone about this, please contact Jayne Kelly, (NUCCAT Administrator) tel: 01695 584562 (int: 4562).
5 days ago, Samuel Taylor
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