Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning (HESWBL) is the official journal of the University Vocational Awards Council (UVAC). A peer-reviewed scholarly journal focusing specifically on the interface between higher education learning and workplace learning, HESWBL publishes academic and scholarly practitioner-focused papers which aim to provide a broad international coverage of global issues, developments and innovation in higher level skills, higher level work-based learning and higher education.
Themes of Interest
We are interested in original research articles and case studies by academics and practitioners. Typical areas of interest include:
Submission Process
In the first instance authors should submit an abstract of not more than 500 words describing the content of the proposed paper and demonstrating how it addresses the themes of the journal. Abstracts should be sent to the Editor:
Dr Ruth Helyer, Teesside University, UK
[email protected]
Following an initial review process, selected authors will be invited to submit a full paper. Articles should be between 5000-7000 words in length. The peer review process, formatting guidelines and publishing schedule of Higher Education, Skills & Work-based Learning are available here: Author Guidelines
There are no cut off dates for these submissions – the process is an ongoing one.
For more information on Higher Education, Skills & Work-based Learning visit HESWBL
4 days ago, Samuel Taylor
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