Posted : 8 years8 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

FOR ACTION – Invitation to attend SFA webinar on applying to the Register of Training Organisations (ROTO)

FOR ACTION – Invitation to attend SFA webinar on applying to the Register of Training Organisations (ROTO)

The Register of Training Organisations (ROTO) is open for applications until 5pm on Tuesday 31 May.

For those universities and providers not yet on the register and who may be considering becoming providers of apprenticeships or employer training, securing a place on the (ROTO) is the first step you need to complete.

SFA will be hosting three webinars on the Register of Training Providers (ROTO) week commencing 23 May, aimed specifically at Higher Education providers to support understanding of the ROTO requirements and the application process.
·        The deadline for application to this round of ROTO applications is 31st May 2016.   
·        If you are intending to apply in the Skills Funding Agency higher and degree apprenticeship procurement round to be launched at the end of May, and you intend to have apprenticeships starting between September 2016 and January 2017 you MUST apply in this ROTO round.  Any funding agreement awarded to you in this procurement round will be contingent on you also making a successful ROTO application by August 2016.
·        You must Register with the BRAVO e-tendering portal here to receive formal notification that the procurement round has been launched. The support guide for the e-tendering portal provides further detail.
·        Read the guidance on the ROTO and the Skills Funding Agency’s quality assurance process here.
To book on a Higher Education ROTO Webinar:
Please email [email protected] with  ‘HEI ROTO WEBINAR’and your preferred date in your email header when booking;
·        Tuesday 24th May:      12.30 – 1.30
·        Wednesday 25th May: 1.30 – 2.30  
·        Friday 27th May:          10.00 – 11.00
SFA also need the following information to confirm your place:
·        The Institution that you, or those you are booking for, will be representing
·        Full name, contact number, email and job title of those attending