Posted : 8 years6 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

*For Action* – Apprenticeship Levy and Market Entry – Publications

*For Action* – Apprenticeship Levy and Market Entry – Publications

Publication of Proposals documents
The Skills Funding Agency have published a number of documents on Friday 12 August including proposals for how apprenticeships will be funded in England.  These documents can be found on  Feedback is being sought on all published proposals by the 5th September 2016.  Details of how to give your feedback is contained within the relevant documents.
Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers: Survey 
When the Digital Apprenticeship Service is introduced in May 2017, employers will be able to choose the training they’d like their apprentices to receive from an approved training provider. The basis of this list will be the Register of Apprenticeship Training Providers (RoATP). 
On behalf of employers who do not pay the levy, the SFA will contract with RoATP providers who are successful in an additional Invitation To Tender. 
The SFA has worked closely with employers, providers and stakeholders (including UVAC and HEFCE) on the proposals for the RoATP.  SFA have published their proposals and would welcome your feedback. The link can be found hereThe survey will remain open until 5 September. 
Proposals for Apprenticeship Funding in England
This document sets out initial proposals for apprenticeship funding in England from May 2017. 
Employers and providers have been engaged throughout the development of the apprenticeship funding reforms and their feedback has shaped these initial proposals.  The link can be found here.  The survey will remain open until 5 September.
Links to other published documents can be found here: