Posted : 7 yearsago by mandy crawford-lee

Final Future Apprenticeship Workshops – for those considering End Point Assessment

Final Future Apprenticeship Workshops – for those considering End Point Assessment

The final series of Future Apprenticeship workshops for those considering the delivery of end-point assessment (as organisations or individuals) are taking place over the next few weeks.


Don’t miss out – please let relevant colleagues / partner know

Becoming an end-point assessor – kick-starting your preparations and CPD

22nd March (Birmingham). Find out more and book here


This additional workshop will help delegates understand what makes a good end-point assessor and will include sessions on end-point assessment methods and practice.


Deciding / preparing your organisation’s involvement in end-point assessment

14th March (London). Find out more and book here


This workshop will equip you to understand, decide and start planning your organisation’s involvement in end-point assessment in future.


End Point Assessment Organisations – gearing up for your delivery

7th March (London). Find out more and book here


This workshop for approved EPAOs will help you set-up and start delivering end-point assessments, focusing on the customer journey, creating assessment instruments and developing costing models.


Future Apprenticeships is funded by the Department for Education and commissioned by the Education and Training Foundation. Find out more here.


Any questions about this package can be directed to Zoe Bolger at SDN: [email protected]