Posted : 6 years10 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

ESFA PUBLICATION: ‘Using subcontractors in the delivery of apprenticeships – policy background and examples’

ESFA PUBLICATION: ‘Using subcontractors in the delivery of apprenticeships – policy background and examples’

The ESFA have published a sub-contracting guidance document.
It is to be read in conjunction with the Apprenticeship Funding and Performance Management Rules.
UVAC along with other members of the ESFA’s Provider Reference Group has contributed to and supported production of this guidance. In the near future guidance with a focus on subcontracting fees and charges will also be published.
In addition, UVAC in partnership with the AoC is working to develop and produce a definitive guide for providers and stakeholders concerning subcontracting and collaborative partnership working in apprenticeships.
For further information contact Mandy (e) [email protected].