The ESFA has just posted a notification through the BRAVO portal to all providers who submitted an ITT for non-levy paying providers in October. This notification confirms that announcements to successful and unsuccessful applicants will NOT take place on 21st November as previously set out in the Agency’s timetable. No future date for the announcements has been included.
The body of the note is set out below:
Message related to the ITT itt_30232, with Title Apprenticeship training delivery for employers not using the digital account. The Agency has been pleased to receive a high volume of tenders following a very positive response to the Invitation to Tender for this procurement, and is currently finalising the evaluation process.
In accordance with paragraph 8.2 of the Invitation to Tender (Attachment 1), the Agency is making a change to the procurement timetable as set out in paragraph 8.1 (Attachment 1). The intention to issue award notifications to successful and unsuccessful Potential Providers is postponed, and will not now be issued on 21 November 2017.
Potential Providers will be contacted again shortly with further information on the new date for the issue of award notifications.
1 days ago, Samuel Taylor
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