Posted : 5 years11 months ago by mandy crawford-lee

ENCOURAGEMENT – how to subscribe to the Members’ Only area of our website

ENCOURAGEMENT – how to subscribe to the Members’ Only area of our website


Just a quick reminder to those who read our roundup of news weekly via Twitter or DM, routinely land on our website home page or occasionally browse for UVAC materials and support.

If you are a member of staff at one of our Member Organisations (check to see if your organisation is either a full, associate, corporate or international member here) and can demonstrate that you are by using an email address with a relevant suffix (so avoid using a personal email address from a service provider like yahoo, gmail or hotmail because it is difficult to identify where you work – and LinkedIn is only useful to an extent!) then we encourage you to sign-up to access our Members’ Only content.

We do not restrict or limit the number of subscribers from a single member organisation; indeed we prefer it if people can create their own personal login details and protect their own credentials. Indeed, the more who sign-up the better as far as we are concerned because that way more folk stay in the know! So do encourage your colleagues to do the same.

Use the sign-up form online. It is a two-stage process; I have to confirm access (manually…). Once confirmed you will need your username and password on a regular basis to retain your access.

If your organisation is not in membership but like what we are known to do, then we encourage you to have a conversation with us about member benefits and how we work for and on behalf of the higher education sector in skills.

For further support, information or contact, email [email protected]