Edge are pleased to announce that the second Edge Research Conference will take place on:
Friday 14th November 2014, at the National Exhibition Centre, Birmingham.
The Conference is being arranged in partnership with the UK’s biggest skills and careers event, the Skills Show. The keynote speaker will be Simon Field from the OECD’s Education Directorate.
Edge are particularly interested in hearing about research into technical, practical and vocational education and training for young people up to the age of 24 who are:
a. at school;
b. in full- or part-time further or higher education; or
c. apprentices.
Papers may be submitted by researchers and analysts in a wide range of disciplines such as
education (including education policy), economics, human resource management, business
management and administration, sociology and anthropology. Edge are keen to hear not only from established researchers, but also from people new to presenting research in this field such as teachers and lecturers who have conducted action research, and post-graduate students. While the main focus is the UK, comparative studies are also welcome.
The audience will bring together researchers, policy-makers, opinion formers, curriculum leaders and practitioners including teachers, lecturers, trainers and assessors.
If you wish to present research at this conference, please send an abstract of up to 500 words to the Conference Committee by 12th September 2014. All submissions should be sent by email to [email protected]. Please keep the audience in mind when preparing your abstract: plain English is essential. In your covering email, please tell Edge a little about yourself and other members of your research team (if any), including full name(s), contact details, research methods, and the name(s) of your institution or employer (if applicable).
Acceptances will be notified by 30th September 2014. If selected by the Conference Committee, you will need to submit your full conference paper and Powerpoint presentation (if used) no later than 24th October 2014. Conference presentations will be strictly limited to 20 minutes, with a further 10 minutes for questions. Speakers will not be charged to attend the conference, but will be required to arrange and pay for their own travel and accommodation. Conference bookings will open shortly.
Queries about this call for papers should be directed to David Harbourne [email protected], 07738 167106.
5 days ago, Samuel Taylor
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