In which case, the Apprenticeship Workforce Development (AWD) programme fully funded by the Department for Education (DfE) and being delivered by the Education and Training Foundation, in partnership with the Association of Colleges (AoC), Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP), Strategic Development Network (SDN) and University Vocational Awards Council (UVAC), can assist with its wide ranging offer of live webinar activity covering all aspects of the apprentice and employer journey. There is no other programme that provides opportunity for reassessing apprenticeship provision in the context of practitioners’ own professional development and up-skilling.
We have seen a seismic shift in the development of apprenticeships in England. Apprenticeships in the twenty-first century initially evolved as a delivery model based on day-release for off-the-job training and then continued, after a 1980’s revival, as a programme to address young people’s unemployment, limited to entry-level job roles and lower-level qualifications. Apprenticeship programme are, today, ever more sophisticated as the world of work and advent of technology in the workplace requires improvements to the quality of curriculum design and pedagogy. Apprenticeship skill levels that now extend from craft and trade in traditional industries all the way into professional job roles have disrupted established practices. The AWD is intended to appeal to all staff, whether an assessor, a leader, a workplace mentor, lecturer, or a governor.
The range of modules HERE are presented as a brilliant development opportunity for delivery staff, managers, leaders and governors, and those in all types of support roles in apprenticeship delivery in celebration of our collective ability to be ‘creative disruptors’.
10 days ago, Samuel Taylor
10 days ago, Samuel Taylor
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