UVAC Media Centre

UVAC Media Centre

UVAC is the most authoritative voice on all strategic and operational aspects of higher and degree apprenticeships and higher level technical and professional education and skills.

For comment, insight, case studies, research, interview requests and other media enquiries please contact Chris, Martha or Lewis from our press office on 0113 380 1644 or by emailing [email protected]

For non-media enquiries contact [email protected]

Latest Press Releases

Please browse the press releases and thought leadership pieces to stay up to date with all the latest UVAC news and campaigns.

UK’s top universities urge new government to back business growth and talent via degree apprenticeships

9 August, 2024

UVAC warns of threat to public services posed by reform of government’s Apprenticeship Levy

27 May, 2024

Over a fifth of UK’s top 100 Universities still don’t offer degree apprenticeships

16 February, 2024

Senior Leader Apprenticeship: Crisis averted…for now

29 November, 2023



White Paper warns of threat to public services posed by reform of Government’s apprenticeship levy

A white paper published 1 June, by University Vocational Awards Council (UVAC)  warns that drastic reform or the abolishment of the government’s Apprenticeship Levy scheme will have a hugely detrimental impact on public services.


Download the White Paper HERE


Read recent coverage for UVAC:

Universities ‘concerned’ skills levy could harm marketing apprenticeships – A recent article in Marketing Week  Dr Mandy Crawford-Lee, UVAC Chief Executive says how she  fears there’s a “real risk” marketing training may not emerge as one of the government’s skills priorities when compared to engineering, science or the green economy – Read the full article HERE


HEPI Blog –  Lunchtime reading: Does the Apprenticeship Levy need reforming? – Read HERE


CIOB People news article – Apprenticeship levy reform could exacerbate construction skills gap- Read HERE


South East Business news article – UVAC warns of threat to regions skills gap posed by apprenticeship levy reform – Read HERE


Manufacturing & Production Engineering Magazine news article – UVAC Warns Of Threat To Manufacturing Skills Gap Posed By Apprenticeship Levy Reform – Read HERE


The Intermediary news article – UVAC warns of threat to financial services sector posed by Apprenticeship Levy reform – Read HERE


IFA news articles – UVAC warns of threat to the financial sector skills gap posed by Apprenticeship Levy reform – Read HERE


Accountancy Today – Abolishment of Apprenticeship Levy threatens accountancy skills gap, UVAC warns – Read HERE


CLH – UVAC Warns Of Threat To Hospitality Skills Gap Posed By Apprenticeship Levy Reform – Read HERE


The Scotsman –Online – Read HERE


Hospitality & Catering News – UVAC warns of threat to hospitality skills gap posed by Apprenticeship Levy reform – Read HERE


Nursing Times – Warning that nursing would suffer under apprenticeships reform – Read HERE


Also in the UVAC Media Centre:


Case studies

Explore the latest case studies on higher and degree apprenticeships

If you would like to feature a case study on this page, please contact [email protected] with the details.


UVAC Background Information

The University Vocational Awards Council (UVAC) was formed in 1999 as a not-for-profit representative and support organisation by the HE sector and is run by the HE sector for the HE sector.


Meet our spokespeople

Our experts are available to speak on higher level vocational learning


Images and Downloads

Download a selection of UVAC logos, images and reports


Useful links

Government – higher and degree Apprenticeships

UCAS – higher and degree Apprenticeships

Office for students – degree Apprenticeships



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