UVAC Knowledge Network – Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs): INVITATION

UVAC Knowledge Network – Higher Technical Qualifications (HTQs): INVITATION

DATE: Thursday 13th July 2023 | 11:00 - 12:30

TOPIC: Higher Technical Qualifications Knowledge Network


Message from our UVAC Associate Professor Liz Cleaver:


I am now able to confirm that we will be joined at our next online network meeting by colleagues from DfE:

• Eligio Cerval-Peña, Head of non-financial provider support
• Pete Myant, Head of Higher Technical Education Demand Team
• Simon Taylor, Head of provider regulation and quality assurance
• Connor Bruce, Head of financial provider support
• Laura Barclay, Head of LLE stakeholder engagement

They will be able to provide updates on:

– HTQ marketing and communications activity
– the LLE and what it means for HTQs
– next steps for SIF2
– and plans for other provider support

And are also keen to hear providers’ views and experiences in these areas to feed into future thinking , and to answer any other questions that may arise.

Our rough agenda is as follows:

11:00 – Welcomes and introductions
11:10 – DfE updates and Q&A
12:00 – What’s on Top
12:25 – Close

If you are not on the meeting circulation list (and haven’t received an invitation) but would like to join us in July please let me know: [email protected].

As always, please feel free to forward details of this meeting on to anyone else you feel would benefit from joining us and ask them to email me!


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