Apprenticeship Workforce Development Programme

Apprenticeship Workforce Development Programme

The Apprenticeship Workforce Development (AWD) programme, funded by the Department for Education (DfE), initially launched in January 2021 to support staff at all levels and roles supporting or delivering apprenticeships.

Now in its second phase, AWD is being delivered by the Education and Training Foundation (ETF) in partnership with the Association of Colleges (AoC), Association of Employment and Learning Providers (AELP), Strategic Development Network (SDN) and ourselves, University Vocational Awards Council (UVAC).

The AWD programme is currently offering a range of FREE courses on many aspects of apprenticeship delivery and is relevant to all provider types and sizes and is aimed at all practitioner roles to support CPD, extend the quality of provision and reduce the number of withdrawals and raise the achievement rate.


To read more about the AWD programme in the latest interactive guide click HERE.


The UVAC team has led the development of the following modules:

    1. Designing and Delivering Effective End Point Assessment throughout the Apprenticeship – Delivery staff
    2. Enhancing teaching and training skills – Delivery staff
    3. Enhancing Coach skills – Delivery staff
    4. Improving curriculum design for apprentice success – Managers & Delivery staff
    5. Integration of on-the-job and off-the-job learning/training – Delivery staff
    6. Planning Effective Curriculum Design – Managers & Delivery staff
    7. Planning and maintaining high quality and effective teaching and training – Managers & Delivery
    8. Planning the integration of on and off-the-job training – Delivery staff
    9. Preparing Apprentices for End-point Assessment – Delivery staff

To find out more about the AWD programme and register for training and resources please go to the ETF site


association of colleges
education and training

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