

Membership Information

Membership of UVAC entitles institutions/organisations and their staff to:

  • Receive free online access to the UVAC journal Higher Education, Skills and Work-Based Learning (published in partnership with Emerald Publishing since 2011)
  • Participate in our annual conference and other conferences, seminars, workshops and networking events at special or discounted rates and where applicable free of charge (excludes national conference)
  • Receive free copies of all our good practice guides and publications
  • Receive apprenticeship templates and contracts for apprenticeship delivery (enquire by emailing [email protected])
  • Be consulted with regularly to inform and influence our policies and responses to key consultations
  • Receive free initial advice and guidance with regards to implementing higher vocational, technical, professional learning including higher and degree apprenticeship
  • Collaborate on responses to Westminster Government policy and initiatives
  • Have your views on vocational, technical and professional learning championed in the press and general media
  • Have a listing on this website – including a link to your own organisation’s website.

UVAC benefits member institutions and their staff through:

Advocacy and representation – we champion vocational learning and represent our members’ views on higher-level vocational education and training to government, funding and planning agencies and stakeholders. Members have the opportunity to influence the debate and help UVAC to raise the profile and reputation of technical and professional learning.

Membership services – we provide a portfolio of valuable membership services including:

  • the dissemination of issues of topical interest and information on policy and practice
  • the production of good practice guides and advisory papers on key learning products, initiatives and policies
  • a programme of conferences, seminars and workshops on contemporary issues in the field of higher level vocational learning
  • access to a data dashboard to make comparator analysis of your performance (launching January 2024)

Research and publications – working through our membership we manage an ongoing research programme covering issues and topics of relevance to our members such as:

  • the accreditation of prior experiential learning (APEL)
  • work-based progression
  • higher and degree apprenticeships
  • unitisation and credit
  • core skills development
  • digital pedagogy and practice

About UVAC membership subscriptions

There are five levels of membership in 2023/24:

Membership runs annually from 1 August to 31 July with the first year’s fee calculated according to the joining date e.g. organisations signing up for membership in February would pay 50% of the appropriate annual rate in the first year of membership.


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