What we do

What we do

Who we are and what we do

UVAC is one of the most authoritative voices in the sector on education and training in HE and a leading expert on all aspects of the policy and operational requirements of higher and degree apprenticeships. UVAC currently has around 85 HEI members drawn from all university mission groups and a growing number of valued corporate supporters. As a membership organisation, we provide the following support:

Advocacy and Representation – ­ As one example we have a particular focus on Higher and Degree Apprenticeship associated with the £2.5bn the levy will raise in England. UVAC has and is working to ensure the system and process ensures HEIs can play an optimum role. We have in the past argued for funding for HE qualifications when used in Apprenticeship and for the quality assurance system for HEIs to be HE appropriate (i.e. QAA and not Ofsted). We are currently working with ESFA to ensure the Apprenticeship system supports HEI engagement.

Briefings and Updates ­– We provide regular information to our members on all aspects of the higher education, skills and work-based learning agenda. We support our members engage with the employer groups / Trailblazers developing apprenticeship standards (as requested by DfE), support the development of HEI Apprenticeship strategies, and provide regular briefings for HEI staff (marketing, finance, employer engagement, student support as well as academic staff) and on-going analysis and updates on the degree apprenticeship agenda.

Project Development – UVAC established an Higher Education and Awarding Organisation Committee to advise on the impact the growing range of qualifications taken by 18 and 19 year olds will have on HE admissions and implications of this change for social mobility. We have also collaborated on Erasmus+ funded research, British Council funded partnerships and been involved in Edge Foundation and Health Education England research projects.

Knowledge Networks – Since 2020, UVAC has been organising and hosting a long running series of network meetings to explore the academic and practical experience of developing and delivering Level 6 and Level 6 degree apprenticeships. There are now 9 networks including for the Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship, Social Worker, Nursing, Allied Health, Quality. For further information about joining or taking part mail Dr Nicky Westwood n.westwood@uvac.ac.uk.

UVAC Journal – We also produce a peer reviewed academic journal focused on higher level skills, Higher Education, Skills and Work-based Learning, published quarterly by Emerald. Members have online access to the journal free with membership in year. There are 5 special issues on higher and degree apprenticeship practice and policy.

National Conference – Every year in November our conference is the annual event for those engaged in Degree Apprenticeships, higher level technical and professional education and skills programmes and work-based learning. This is now delivered through a hybrid approach of online and in person event.

With the Education and Training Foundation – UVAC is one of the delivery partners of the DfE funded Apprenticeship Workforce Development (AWD) programme. This fully funded DfE programme of practitioner CPD, for the first time, addresses the need of universities and higher level delivery in apprenticeships.

For further information mail Dr Mandy Crawford-Lee m.crawfordlee@bolton.ac.uk.

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